Top 5 study tips to score high marks in exams

Top 5 study tips to score high marks  in exams 

many of students study their syllabus by going to their rooms and study for many years but scientific studies proved that there should be some improtant points in mind of student to get more knowleddge to gain high score in exams.

1. Study Breaks :

when we study for some  hours ,our brain need to have a break in order to retain the gained knowledge in our mind  so when we take a break ,our mind get some freshness and getting ready for more knowledge to gain .so everytime when you study for two or three hours ,make sure to take a break to refresh your mind and by applying this  strategy you will surely get your desired reesults.i mean you will be able to study with full concentration.this will also increase your focus of mind and thing you need to remember that during  your breaks do not use mobile or  any  other device ,instead just relax your mind. 

2. Review your lessons periodically:

sometimes it happens that when we memorize a question with hundred percent preparation,but we forget that question in next couple of days.have you ever think why this happens .if that remembered question came in exam or test we can not write the answer.we cannot recall that properly.our memory has two parts ,one is short term memory and another is long term memory so our memorize question store in short term  memory for first time ,so when we revise that question properly ,it transfers from short term memory to long term memory and our long term memory retain that information for long period of time .so review your lessons properly and periodically to remember for long time.

3. Do not irritate yourself :

many students worry a lot about their study but they cannot gain good marks in exams because their mind could not catch the study the did because of lot of thinking .thinking irritates their mind and now their studying capability downs so never irritate your self about studies,just relax yourself and try your best.

4. Write while study :

when you write a lesson or a question which you are reading , the writing forbids your mind from any sort of distraction so remember to write while studing.another benifit of doing this is that it helps you to remember any point faster than usual.

5. Solve paper properly:

after applying all four tips , you have to solve your exam paper properly.Do not be over fast in solving  paper,instead just relax and solve the questions first which you memorized the most and gradually solve the paper with this pattern.

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