how to disable download option in youtube | how to disable download option on YouTube video

 how to disable download option on youtube video.

how to disable download button on youtube is one of the most frequently asked questions but it does not work for some people who have learned this download off option from youtube videos .

how to disable download option in youtube
how to disable download option in youtube 

There is a method whcih is discussed by each and every youtuber but that method is useless for some creators so if you are one of those then your all queries will be solved here .Lets talk about method which youtubers discusssed where you have to allow embedding option from YT Studio or chrome web browser or any web browser to allow people to download that video and to disable your videos to be downloaded you have to disable allow embedding. But do you know what is actual functionality of Allow Embedding option in youtube video? .watch out this video below to know all about allow embedding and how to disable download button on youtube.

The actual function of allow embedding is that if you share link of your video and you want people to visit your channel by clicking the link you provided then you have to disable the allow embedding option because enabling of allow embedding option will facilitate the visitors of your link to watch your video without referring to youtube official app .Now, what you have to do is , to engage more people to your channel you have to disable your Allow embedding option.I think ,to disable to download video  of your youtube channel you have to grow so that after getting some views and having awesome

how to disable download option in youtube

 amount of subscribers you will be able to disable your download option on youtube videos.You may see that big brands like big youtube channels are disabling their download option on newer videos to boost CTR and they can easily use the option for disabling video from download because they have lot of subscribers and audience.

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