How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

How to increase self esteem and confidence is question of every second student or even any person who has to interact with people in different aspects so to increase your self confidence ,you just need to follow these three simple steps and then you will get rid of shyness within a weeek or half a month.So lets get started and increase self confidence.Below these steps ,we will talk about factors of shyness.

How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

Step #1:

At First ,you have to go to any separate room at your house or anywhere where no one hear your voice or see you.Then after just open your mobile phone camera and keep speaking in front of camera on any topic which you have knowledge about.Shoot at least 5 minutes video or even more than that and make 5 videos daily .

How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

Step #2:

Watch your own video to find out your mistakes during your speaking .Mistakes mmight bbe your body language , eye contact with camera or your speaking tone etc.Make another video after pointing out several mistakes and try to improve your skill and again watch it .

How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

Step #3 :

Repeat it daily and after one week you will be able to speak in front of any sort of audience without any fear or shyness.

How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

Bonus :

    The key factor of your fear or lack of confidence is your negative thinkings which up rises due to your social interactions.A shy person thinks that he is incomplete person and people will laugh at him if he speaks and due to this fear the confidence level downs gradually .

How To Increase Self Confidence | How To Increase Confidence Level While Speaking

To overcome the fear and increase self esteem and confidence ,follow above three steps and within a month you could be a best public speaker .Another bonus tip is that try to go infront of crowd for no purpose ,just walk through infront of crowd or your class and try to stand in front for a while to examine the fear and check your confidence level.This helps you to observe real feelings while standing in front of crowd.

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