Role Of Youth In Development Of Pakistan | What Is The Role Of Youth In The Development Of Country

 Role Of youth in the development of pakistan is very important for any nation for progress of that country.Youth of any country is most valuable assets and only youth of any state have that potential to change the future of that country.

Role Of Youth In Development Of Pakistan | What Is The Role Of Youth In The Development Of Country

If your country is not prosperous then you should think about it that you did not utilize the potentials of your youth in the development of society.Pakistani youth is far more talented than any other nation of the world.The real example of the potential of pakistani youth can be seen in Arabian Countries.Countries like Saudi Arabia,Qatar,UAE and other arab countries are developed by pakistani people.More than Four million people of pakistan are working for Arab Countries as

Role Of Youth In Development Of Pakistan | What Is The Role Of Youth In The Development Of Country

 employees.pakistani government cannot facilitate the youth with proper counselling and providing them career opportunities so they did nothing for their country.Pakistani political leaders are not real leaders ,they are slaves of money,arabs and west.they can't take decision for their country for its betterment which goes against Arabs and West ,so it is necessary for youth of pakistan to take this country forward and to make it a developed country.

Role Of Youth In Development Of Pakistan | What Is The Role Of Youth In The Development Of Country

The current political system of pakistan should be changed and this will be done only when the youth awaken otherwise these politicians will collapse the all strengths of the country.Our youth of pakistan can change the future of world but they need alarm to awake them so that they done job for pakistan.Nowadays our youth is fan of Motivational Speakers and these speakers destroyed the youth the most so be in real world not in imaginary and try to build your nation without taking side of any political party or any other organization that hurts the potentials of Youth.Youth have greater importance than any other thing for any nation so we should work on our youth and make our youth beneficial for our society and hence we will be a prosporous nation

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